Building Access & Curbside Pickup Hours
- Monday 10:30 am–5:30 pm
- Wednesday 11 am–7 pm
- Saturday 10 am–3 pm
- Sunday 12–3 pm
Arms Library
We're doing a bit of updating on the website. You will see small changes here and there. Please let us know if something does not work, so we can fix it.
Contact Information
60 Bridge St. (at the corner of Main St.)
Shelburne Falls, MA 01370
Map and Directions
(413) 625-0306
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Library Catalogs
Wowbrary The Arms Library Newsletter
Wowbrary brings you Arms Library events, new materials, and occasional town news, every week.
Be sure to sign up if you're not receiving it already! In this we share our new books, movies and audios, library programs and happenings. This comes out weekly. You may also let us know when you come into the library if you would like to subscribe to this.
Subscribe to Our Weekly Newsletter
Two Town News
Two Town News is a monthly online newsletter, developed and published by an all-volunteer team of editors, for you, your friends, and your family, who love our two towns of Shelburne and Buckland.
Send your request to receive the eNewsletter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Write "Subscribe" in the Subject line. Also, please include your town, as this helps us know how to reach more people.
You can send in news to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Text limit is 200 words. Photographs are also welcome.
The Arms Library, housed in the historic Pratt Memorial Library Building, is located at 60 Bridge Street on the corner of Bridge and Main Streets.
Arms Library Director Laurie Wheeler
Photo by The Recorder/Paul FranzWe invite you to explore our website. There are links to order books, and become involved with the library, as well as library contact information, research and Facebook links, and much more.
Be well, and enjoy.
-Laurie Wheeler